We all want to be a brand. And every successful brand needs an equally successful catchphrase. Nike has "Just Do It", Allstate has "You're in Good Hands", Chipotle has "Yeah I hate it, but my wife Jen wants to eat there for the third time this week so I guess we're going." So it's no wonder that some members of the crew have coined their own catchphrases over the past few months. Some came naturally, others a little more on the nose, but all of them ring loud and proud over the Zoomscape each week.
Below is a chronicle of some of the most memorable Crew Catchphrases
Keith: "The Rich Get Richer"
Robyn: "I'm Not Afraid To Die"
Scott: "No Table Talk!!"
Rob: "You Could Have Scared Me Out Of The Hand"
Josh: "That's The Whole Empanada"
Matt Vass: "Emily!..."
Kevin: "I Could Probably Pull Off The Jersey Chris Black Is Wearing Right Now...Nah, Who am I Kidding, I Don't Have That Classic CB Charisma. It Would Never Work" (To Himself, Every Night)
Everyone, At Some Point: "Molly's Game!"