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Robert Roelofs
Jul 14, 2021
In Hall Of Records
Another running gag within Poker Night is that our very own Chris Black is an up and coming musician destined to bring the genre of Emo back to the mainstream. No one really knows how it started, but Chris constantly, and accidentally, comes up with new Emo song titles each game. To this day we are still waiting for the poker themed for the scene album to drop. Luckily, we've found the track list, which has been provided below. Release date TBD. Album: The Chris Black Parade Artist: Chris Black Tracklist: Full House/Broken Home Two Hearts In My Hand And One On My Sleeve The River Card (Sink Or Swim) This Hand Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us Open Ended Straight(Edge) Black Suited Hand To Match My Outfit Big Blind Energy Out Kickered For The Last Time Pair Of Twos, Party Of One Folden Caulfield Scotty Doesn't Know (That He's Had My Beat Since The Flop) I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Fold Your Cards (Ante Up) Japanese Release Bonus Track: The Gambler (Cover from Punk Goes Pop vol. 21)
Robert Roelofs
Jul 08, 2021
In Hall Of Records
We all want to be a brand. And every successful brand needs an equally successful catchphrase. Nike has "Just Do It", Allstate has "You're in Good Hands", Chipotle has "Yeah I hate it, but my wife Jen wants to eat there for the third time this week so I guess we're going." So it's no wonder that some members of the crew have coined their own catchphrases over the past few months. Some came naturally, others a little more on the nose, but all of them ring loud and proud over the Zoomscape each week. Below is a chronicle of some of the most memorable Crew Catchphrases Keith: "The Rich Get Richer" Robyn: "I'm Not Afraid To Die" Scott: "No Table Talk!!" Rob: "You Could Have Scared Me Out Of The Hand" Josh: "That's The Whole Empanada" Matt Vass: "Emily!..." Kevin: "I Could Probably Pull Off The Jersey Chris Black Is Wearing Right Now...Nah, Who am I Kidding, I Don't Have That Classic CB Charisma. It Would Never Work" (To Himself, Every Night) Everyone, At Some Point: "Molly's Game!"
Robert Roelofs
Jul 08, 2021
In Hall Of Records
Once in awhile you need to shake things up, and by shake things up, I mean compete in a no holds bar, balls to the wall, Poker Tournament! An evening (or usually Saturday afternoon) with multiple tables of old and new faces alike competing for the top prize of dozens of dollars. To date we've held two Tournament of Champions and the results have been both exciting and in some cases unexpected. Also, it's the only opportunity The Crew ever gets to listen to Josh's brother's Soundcloud. So, really, everyone's a winner. Results of Tournament of Champions 1: Winner: Martin Rickman Runner Up: Brady Morphy Results of Tournament of Champions 2: A New Deck: Winner: Paul "All-in" Runner Up: Matt Cohen Results of of Tournament of Champions 3: The Empire Strikes Deck Winner: Ryan "Total Focus" Jordan Runner Up: Brady Morphy
Robert Roelofs
Jun 22, 2021
In Hall Of Records
Check City was a magnificent (some would argue) idea concocted by our very own Mayor Robyn Kanner. The idea is at the top of every hour of play, the entire table calls the Big Blind and then checks through the flop, turn, and river. This acts a nice way to cleanse the palate of the players: similar to eating ginger after sushi or watching a Friends rerun after a funeral. Something pointless and comforting to reset the energy. To date, however, four bandits have broken the rules and spirit of check city. Their names will forever be listed below. Robyn Kanner - (Purposeful) Chris Black - (Purposeful) Martin Rickman - (Accidental)* Robert Roelofs - (Accidental)/(Purposeful) Matt Cohen - (Accidental) Eve Peyser - (Purposeful, but for holiday reasons) *Folded Hand
Robert Roelofs
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